
MUNICIPAL COURT Heather Spivey, Municipal Court Clerk | 254-859-5964 | Fax: (254) 859-5779 | Spanish Interpretor Available (Esther Moreno)Honorable Judge Kevin R. Madison, Municipal JudgeOfficial Court Reporter – Kimberly Bowen Seibert143 WIlcox Dr. # AEddy, Texas 76524Rules of the Court. Please Read!Self-Help Notice or for more help on T...

POLICE DEPARTMENT The police department is located at 410 Hudson Lane, Eddy, TX 76524.Offices are open Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.After hours, the police department can be reached by contacting the McLennan CountyThe mission of the Bruceville-Eddy Police Dept is:To protect life, individual liberty and property;To preserve peace and o...

WATER DEPARTMENT Hours of OperationMonday through Friday 8:00–5:00Closed 12:00–1:00 (lunch)TARIFF SHEETS INSIDE & OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS MCLENNAN COUNTY, FALLS COUNTY & BELL COUNTYCutoff date for non-payment is the 1st working day after 15th due date.Water will be cutoff next day if not paid as per extension agreement. Water Do...

POLICE DEPARTMENT The police department is located at 410 Hudson Lane, Eddy, TX 76524.Offices are open Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.After hours, the police department can be reached by contacting the McLennan CountyThe mission of the Bruceville-Eddy Police Dept is:To protect life, individual liberty and property;To preserve peace and o...

MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL The City of Bruceville-Eddy is governed by the rules and regulations pertaining to a class A general law city as outlined in the Texas Local Government Code. Municipal elections are held annually in November and council members are elected to two year terms.City Council meetings are held every 2nd Thursday of each month at 6...

Learn how to protect yourself and your family online with our digital hygiene guide. Featuring tips on antivirus use, secure passwords, and more for Bruceville-Eddy residents....

WATER DEPARTMENT Hours of OperationMonday through Friday 8:00–5:00Closed 12:00–1:00 (lunch)TARIFF SHEETS INSIDE & OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS MCLENNAN COUNTY, FALLS COUNTY & BELL COUNTYCutoff date for non-payment is the 1st working day after 15th due date.Water will be cutoff next day if not paid as per extension agreement. Water Do...